In a time of saturation of content on food, fitness, experiences and healthy lifestyle, by an industry valued at $1,297 billion dollars in 2017. Some of us react passionately, others remain skeptical and others they try to ignore it or even be against it.
Which posture is the best? This is an invitation to open your eyes, explore, and experiment to make a conscious, informed decision, coherent with the moment and a pleasant and pleasant lifestyle.
A healthy and conscious diet serves, among other things, to control and optimize weight, control mood and long-term health , in such a way that, you may not even imagine. Make sure you choose the right one, based on your 3 Cs. Ready to discover a new perspective?
The vast majority of institutional disseminators, when talking about healthy eating begin their speech in the same way: “We must eat more fruits and vegetables …”, “The nutritional pyramid consists of …”, “The healthy plate should … And etc.
Sir @ s that is from the past. The vast majority of people eat inconsistently with their 3Cs and we are dominated by the food industry, highly processed foods lacking in essential nutrients.
Food stands out for its ease of access, for its excess and for its dubious quality at the same time. We are responsible for raising the objective of our food one or more ranks in the pyramid of evolution, just as we have done, our activity, intellect, environment and needs. Updating the fundamental principles of our diet is essential for it to be healthy, especially at this time .
Mainly, to survive and keep our body functioning inside and out, to live at full capacity, that the body, mind and spirit accompany us wherever we want. A healthy diet is one that provides us with:
The better you feel on the inside, the better you will be on the outside . If you conquer your diet, you will conquer your health and your beauty, in addition to your good humor, your social relationships, your professional success and your happiness.
In these times we have to open our eyes, we eat in many ways and not only through food. As human beings, we are perfect organisms, our systems are interconnected in a fascinating way, our heart with the brain, the brain with the intestine, the intestine with the immune system and the nervous system, the digestive system with the emotions and etc. .
In this way, I introduce you to the concept of primary foods and secondary foods . This concept made me fall in love with the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York , where I became a certified Health Coach.
A healthy diet requires a masterful combination of primary and secondary foods. So pay attention, because this balance is personal and non-transferable.
They are those necessary to live, without them we will not live happily , even if we are perfectly nourished with healthy, balanced food in its perfect measure.
They are those that we commonly know as food . There are many ways of talking about these foods, among others, through the 3 groups of macro-nutrients: carbohydrates, proteins and fats. And also, thanks to the micro-nutrients: vitamins, minerals, trace elements, essential amino acids, fatty acids and etc. that are necessary for the proper functioning of the body.
For a good use of secondary foods, it must be taken into account that the diet is composed of several phases: ingestion, digestion, assimilation and expulsion . It is useless to eat in perfect balance, if our body is failing in the later phases.
A healthy diet requires that when deciding what we eat, we take into account the ability to facilitate the subsequent phases , according to the constitution, condition and circumstances of each one @ and at all times, this makes life easier and more enjoyable.
The way of eating has varied over time, based on the food available, the ideologies of the moment, the lifestyle and the depth or advance of knowledge of the scientific community. What used to be considered healthy eating may not continue to be so now.
My mentor changed my life and made me master my own health and re-fall in love with life. He taught me these 7 levels of nutrition, which I share so that you let yourself be carried away by the thoughts that his reading triggers.
Primary : eat when you are hungry, without following any model of behavior or philosophy.
Sensory : eat according to the desire of the senses, with an emphasis on its appearance, taste, smell and color.
Emotional : you feed yourself wanting to obtain satisfaction on an emotional level, where you cook the favorite dishes of your childhood or those that your mother cooked.
Intellectual : eat taking into account intellectual arguments such as the amount of calories, proteins, vitamins, fibers, fats, minerals, sugars and etc.
Social : eat with a social conscience, using local products that have been obtained without exploitation or economic abuse. Use good quality food, from organic crops, without additives, dyes or chemicals. Moderate amounts, without abuse and in a simple way.
Ideological : eat following some ideological belief or discipline: religions, teachers, diets and etc. Where normally, what the individual needs at each moment is forgotten, since an ideology is followed blindly, automatically and flexibly.
Energetic of freedom and conscious : eat according to your individual needs (The 3Cs), choosing freely at all times. Without feeling pressured socially, respecting and prioritizing your health, constitution and condition. There is no prohibition of food, you only select the best at each moment at the energy and vital level, with the purpose of creating health, balance, peace and inner connection.
A healthy and conscious diet integrates both categories: primary and secondary foods, based on the bio-individuality of each person, represented by the 3Cs
Condition : sensitivity, intolerances, allergies or other conditions.
Circumstances : vital moment, lifestyle and temporary circumstances (ie. Objective to run a marathon), family and work environment, daily routine, city, country and climate in which you usually reside, etc.
In which of these levels do you feel comfortable? I usually fluctuate between several of them, although I recognize that since I discovered and experienced the energetic level of freedom and awareness, I do not want to move to another. As for which of them is healthy? Obviously, the more aware we are of the effect of food, the easier it will be for it to be healthy.
When it comes to balancing your diet to ensure that it is healthy, let yourself be guided and advised by someone you trust and inspire you, who has references and certification that endorses them, and who facilitates implementation with great focus on your rhythm of life . Preferably choose someone who has an integrative and holistic vision.
If you suffer from any illness, consult your doctor. Meanwhile, I have consolidated a “golden list” valid for the vast majority of people, on the basics of healthy eating in modern times.
And Have I Not Forbidden Any Food?
This is the beauty of the matter, as you introduce better quality food, your body will re-educate itself and will ask you for more healthy eating and less mediocre eating. And you will naturally adopt a healthy diet that is optimal for you.
This is not a diet, it is a lifestyle , I recommend you avoid any diet that has its own name, look for a personalized diet with your name. Each person is different in constitution, condition and circumstances (where we live, lifestyle, etc.). Nurture your personal life and get ready for a fall of healthy and happy eating.
An explorer attitude is your best ally , explore each healthy eating habit that is not yet part of your usual life, try it for several days in a row taking it as a game observing your feelings: which recommendations attract you the most, which cause you rejection, such as you feel when you put it into practice, how you feel afterwards, if the digestion was simple or more complicated, if your energy levels vary, your skin, your vital rhythm, your thoughts, etc. Have fun exploring textures, colors, and flavors. Find out what feels good to you, write it down and repeat it as much as you want.
Give your body a little empathy , our body is wise, it is capable of staying alive and generating life without us having to give it the order, every strange sensation, discomfort, pain, etc. it’s your body trying to talk to you. Listen to him because that information is very valuable, do not get frustrated, just try to understand what he wants to tell you. When you understand each other, you will discover a new way of living connected with your body.
Some signs that your body needs to change its diet are: thirst, cramps, abdominal bloating, constipation, diarrhea, dry and dull skin, constant exhaustion, anxiety, cravings, need for sugar in the middle of the afternoon, laziness, laziness, etc. It is time to let yourself be guided and advised by a professional to define healthy eating habits for you.
Surrender to joyful perseverance : do not expect immediate and magical results, if after 20, 30 or 40 years eating the same, you suddenly change your diet, the results will not come in 2 days. Your body needs to re-educate and adapt. If you want to be safe, go further and faster, let yourself be guided in a personalized way by a holistic or integral professional.
Hello, I’m Rachel Collins. Until recently, I ran my own patchwork quilt business. Having retired from that I have turned my e-commerce site into this blog where I discuss business, home and garden and lifestyle topics for you to enjoy...
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